November Message from our two Integrated Healthcare Area (IHA) Managers

December 2, 2024

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My first few weeks in post have allowed me to get out and about to meet some of your teams, get to know more about your services and meet the people that we serve.

I was delighted to be part of the Sharing the Vision event in Waterford, along with the Turning the Sod event for the Creative Garden on the St John’s Hospital Campus in Enniscorthy. I also met a number of staff members at the first day of the RCSI’s Integrated Leadership Development Programme in Carlow. Additionally I met staff working in the Mental Health Crisis Resolution team in Waterford on the 18th October 2024 when I welcomed Minister Mary Butler to the Primary Care Centre in John’s Hill and also to the Grangemore Ward and Brook House. I was delighted to have this opportunity to meet service users and staff on the day and to see first-hand and hear from both service users and staff about the services being provided.

I recently met staff from Wexford General Hospital and Community Services when I attended the briefing on the Rapid Improvement Event, which focused on optimising the integrated pathways for older persons with the aim of reducing both avoidable Emergency Department attendances and avoidable hospital admissions for patients who are 75 years and older. It was great to hear about all of the work that has happened and is planned as part of this integrated improvement initiative.

In addition, Roseanne Killeen and I jointly lead the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Workshop for the Carlow Kilkenny and Tipperary South / Waterford Wexford Healthcare Areas, which took place on Monday 4th November 2024.

I look forward to meeting you and working with you.

With very best wishes,

Dr Sinéad Reynolds,

Integrated Healthcare Area Manager, Waterford/Wexford.


I am almost two months into my post as Integrated Healthcare Area Manager for Carlow/Kilkenny/Tipperary South.

Similarly, my first few weeks in post have allowed me to get out and about to meet some of your teams, get to know more about your services and meet the people that we serve.

I visited Mount Sion and Cluain Arann in Tipperary Town, Tipperary Primary Care Centre and St Vincent’s Day Hospital Health Centre in Tipperary South, along with the Department of Psychiatry in St Luke’s General Hospital Carlow-Kilkenny, and was delighted to have this opportunity to meet service users and staff to see and hear about the services being provided.

I was delighted to be part of the South East Regional Emergency Management live exercise which took place on Mount Leinster. This brought our HSE National Ambulance Service together with the Fire Service and An Garda Siochána to exercise and learn from how we coordinate our services in the event of a Major Emergency.

I jointly led, with my colleague Sinead Reynolds, on the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Workshop for the Carlow Kilkenny and Tipperary South / Waterford Wexford Health Areas, which took place on Monday 4th November 2024. This important workshop will help develop an integrated programme plan and work streams for UEC over the short to medium term.

I look forward to meeting you and working with you.

With very best wishes,

Roseanne Killeen

Integrated Health Area Manager, Carlow/Kilkenny/Tipperary South.