Family Forums

Each of the 12 Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNTs) in Community Health Organisation 5 (CHO5) Area has a Family Forum. They are an opportunity for families to come together to discuss general issues and ideas about children’s disability services in the area.

What is the Family Forum?

A place for families to discuss issues and ideas:

The Family Forum is a place for families linked with the team to discuss general issues and ideas about the children's disability services we offer.

Purpose of Family Forum:

The Family Forum discusses general issues and ideas for service development only. Parents are invited to share their suggestions for future service development and ways to improve existing services. The Family Forums are also a platform for sharing information with families on service provision, governance and access, community supports, and other relevant topics of interest. The Forums also facilitate networking and knowledge sharing amongst families. If you have specific concerns about your child, you should contact the Children's Disability Network Team.

How often does the family forum meet and who attends?

The Family Forum meets twice a year. It is open to parents and carers of every family we support.

The forum is facilitated by someone who does not work in our Children's Disability NetworkTeam. The Children's Disability Network Manager will also attend each meeting.

How can I get involved?

You will receive an invitation to every Family Forum via your own CDNT. You can attend as many as you like to share your thoughts and ideas.
Each Family Forum has two elected Family Representatives.

What does a Family Representative do?

The Family Representatives meet with the Children's Disability Network Manager to discuss issues and ideas raised at the Forum, and attends meetings of the larger Family Representative Group in CH05 ( Tipperary, Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford).

The Family Representative role involves signing up to the principles and values of the CDNT program, representing a broad range of family experiences, and being a voice for the Children's Disability Network Team. Successful representatives exhibit characteristics such as respect, good listening skills, constructive use of personal experience, collaboration, confidentiality, and a desire for meaningful change. They attend Family Forum meetings and Family Representative Group meetings, and are involved in nominating members to attend higher-level meetings. Overall, the role requires a significant time commitment and dedication to advocating for families and their needs within the governance structure.

The inclusion of family representatives on CHO Children's Disability Networks Governance Group adds great value by:

  • Ensuring there is a focus at all times on the needs of children and their families.
  • Bringing the families' views on all issues discussed.
  • Bringing a wide range of skills and experience.
  • Bringing lived experience and themes brought to light by the Family Forums.

Upcoming Family Forum dates will be advertised in our Events section.

For more information on your local Family Forum, contact your CDNT.