Who works on a CDNT?

All CDNTs include health and social care professionals (HSCPs) who specialise in different areas of child development. CDNTs typically include the following team members:

  • Occupational therapists (OTs)
  • Psychologists
  • Physiotherapists (Physios)
  • Social workers
  • Speech and language therapists (SLTs).
  • Nurses
  • Dietitians

Teams may also have access to other disciplines such as:

  • Behaviour Support Specialists
  • Early Educators
  • Therapy Assistants

The team members share their knowledge, information and skills with you and your family so you can support your child’s development. Team members can meet children and families in their home, in school or in our CDNT building.

Who your child sees and how often they see them will depend on your child's needs. The team will discuss this with you. Their aim is to support your child to thrive, grow, and learn. They will also help your family to learn how to best support your child.